Sunday, March 7, 2010

Untitled Novel (Fall 2009)

(Some prose. To hopefully wet your appetite for the rest of this novel which I've only barely started and really need to write more of. You can guess whats in the jars if you want, I'll give you a prize...)

Keeping these things for people is not hard. They don’t often try to escape once you’ve got the lid on tight, though some do not want to be preserved. I have learned to be hyper aware of my body in space. I’ve also memorized the dimensions of this place exactly, meaning I could close my eyes all day and never trip or bump into anything. Being surrounded by breakable things makes this absolutely imperative. If the glass breaks it can cut right through what it once protected, which at the very least gets exposed and thus contaminated by the very room its in. Uncontaminated, they are quite beautiful. They are pretty slippery once you’ve extracted them, somewhat less liquidy than jello but by no means water. They have no real mass, and are remarkably unaffected by gravity. They are easily recognized by their color. Angry ones are red, sorrowful ones a deep blue or purple. Jealousy adds a green tint, while the funny or awkward tend towards yellows and oranges. The truer it is, that is the less tainted by emotions, the closer it seems to the color of water. If it is also joyful, it seems to always be catching the light. What I mean is, it sparkles.

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