Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Untitled (6/7/09)

(A poem with cool rhythms. Its nice when it feels like you're listening to a song, or floating in the ocean...)

I wanna fall in love like the songs
all say you do.
Lay my hope in someone else's hands
and rest.
I want a familiar body near mine
in the dark,
a kiss that'll loosen the fears
hidden in my chest.
I'd like to walk quietly down aves
and streets, being able
to listen to the city
under our breath.
I want to touch easily, freely
hands and lips.
I want eyes I don't have to question
or search. They should look at me
brand new each morning.
I want to breath easy with someone,
and laugh.
Laugh laughs that declare
I'm not here alone.
A person that feels like home.
Something to sing and write about
late at night. A feeling
that tingles all over your skin and teeth.
That you can't explain with science or math
or words. It'll be like nothing
but everything you've heard.
And if you decide to let go,
try as you might,
it'll be written all over your face,

I want it to be seen.
I want to look smitten.
I want a person that makes life
feel slow. Someone to stop,
in the middle of the block,
and dance with.

1 comment:

  1. im glad you wrote this poem... bc nothing has ever been so me... especially that first line.
    I like living in my delusional world.. thanks for supporting it
