Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Flurries (2/2/10, almost 2/3/10)

(You will never convince me that this isn't the most beautiful place in the world. And snow is so special. So I will not grumble today or whine, I made a pact with myself. This is ov a first draft of this, fyi. Go play outside!...)

I know that tomorrow
it will be a slippery, frozen,
cumbersome and dirty grey nuisance,
but just for tonight,
if you catch those first minutes,
you can watch it drift down softly
and with a most gentle breeze,
swirl to caress the skyline.
It sticks to the side walk
just thick enough for you
to leave footprints,
and lays lightly across naked branches
like new skin grown over a scar.
This is cleaner than rain,
full of childhood hope
that an illicit day of rest,
away from blackboards and math problems
and desks and authority, will ensue.
And between the sparkling white layers
and second grade optimism
you suddenly feel shiny and new.
And with unveiled eyes you can see
just how beautiful a city under snow is.
And for the duration of your walk home
you forget to wish for spring.

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