Friday, April 2, 2010

Silly Cancers (Spring 2007)

(Same theme, sleeplessness. This time was b-a-d, bad. The assignment was to start by describing something absurdly, thus 'silly cancers.' It's an interesting place to start a poem, because usually things in life are pretty absurd. Also, I'm taking it back b/c I'm sick of posting things about now. So here is some then...)

Silly cancers have been
latching onto my skull.
I can't figure out how
they manage it in the dark,
with only the lights from the view
outside the window to illuminate
the crevices and patches worn down from nostalgia.
They wriggle behind a soft orange sleep mask,
and in through dirty hair.
I'm not sure if they have
nails, or talons or claws,
but they utilize these
and bony fingers to pry open
the bone and let loose
the beast thoughts within.
This species includes ideas
and memories and imaginings
that are far too hairy and mammoth
to be drowned out by the TV.

These whimsical, resourceful
disease-balls are not really
villainous. They are not vindictive,
they lack cruelty. They're here
because I created them.
Deep in my under belly
where I've never laid eyes.
They began to emerge
from the primordial ooze
of rage and wounds,
taking advantage of my temporary inertia.
I didn't react quick enough,
so now I can't sleep.

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